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program to check palindrome string

Program to check palindrome string

program to check palindrome string

A palindrome is a name, number, phrase, or other character sequence that reads the same way backwards. Names like madam or racecar or number 10801 are palindrome.

With a given string if the string back gives the same string we can say that the string provided is golf. Which means to look at the palindrome, we need to find out whether the first and last, second and last, 1, and so on are the same things or not.

Input - EMME

Output - the line is a palindrome

Input - a point of instruction

Output - the code is a palindrome

In a C ++ program to check if String Given is a Palindrome. The inserted string is copied to the new series, and we compare the first character with the last letter and the second letter with the last letter and others until the end of the string. If both characters have the same sequence of characters, e.g. The same is the cord is a palindrome or otherwise.

Q) Program to check plagrism of a string?

  int main() { 
 system (" cls"); 
 cout<<"Enter a string(max. 79 characters)"; cin.getline(string,80);
for(int len = 0; string[len] != '\0'; ++len);
 int i, j, flag = 1;
  for(i = 0, j = len -1;i<len/2; ++i, --j)
   { if (string[i] != string[j])
   { flag = 0;
   break ;}

if (flag)

cout << "It is palindrome \n";


cout << "It is not a palindrome \n";

return 0;

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