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Notepad quiz game

Notepad quiz game

Notepad quiz game


Did you know that a simple notepad program on your computer is actually a very powerful programming tool? That's right, and it's also easy to learn. In this article I am going to show you how to make a simple game using only the notepad program and the programming language called "batch".

Batch is the main running language from your Windows command prompt. Now, it's not even close to being the most powerful programming language out there, but you do enough to make it more useful (at least for anyone in the computer field).

Not only is it useful, but it can also be used to create amazing text-based games! What is a text-based game you ask? It is a game where the user interacts through text and choice-making (very simple). You will learn how to set up the circumstances in which the characters have to make choices about how you want to approach the problem.

Copy the below code in notepad add save in format "filename.vbs"

color 0e
@echo off
echo do not turn computer off!
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
@echo off
echo do not turn computer off!
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
@echo off
title Britannio's maths quiz 
echo welcome
echo i hope you enjoy my quiz
echo 1) Play
echo 2) Instruction
echo 3) exit
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == 1 goto question1
if %input% == 2 goto Instruction
if %input% == 3 goto exit
goto menu
echo ---------------------------
echo Instruction
echo ---------------------------
echo This is a simple quiz game
echo Read the question and type 
echo the number of the correct answer and 
echo enter 
echo 1) Play the game
echo 2) Go to menu
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == 1 goto question1
if %input% == 2 goto menu
goto Instruction
echo ------------------
echo question1
echo ------------------
echo what is 64 times 6?
echo 1) 375
echo 2) 384
echo 3) 390
set /p input=answer
if %input% == 1 goto wrong1
if %input% == 2 goto correct1
if %input% == 3 goto wrong1
goto question1
color a
echo Your answer is correct!
echo 1) Go to the next question
echo 2) Go to menu
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == 1 goto question2
if %input% == 2 goto menu
goto correct1
color c
title wrong answer
echo Your answer was wrong!
echo 1) Repeat question
echo 2) Go to menu
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == 1 goto question1
if %input% == 2 goto menu
goto wrong1
color 0e
title Britannio's maths quiz
echo ------------------
echo Question 2
echo ------------------
echo what is the diameter of a shape that is 24cm square?
echo 1) 12 times 3
echo 2) 15 times 3
echo 3)  8 times 3
set /p input=answer
if %input% == 1 goto wrong2 
if %input% == 2 goto wrong2
if %input% == 3 goto correct2
goto question2
color a
echo Your answer is correct!
echo 1) Go to the last question
echo 2) Go to menu
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == 1 goto question3
if %input% == 2 goto menu
goto correct2
color c
title wrong answer
echo Your answer was wrong!
echo 1) Repeat question
echo 2) Go to menu
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == 1 goto question2
if %input% == 2 goto menu
goto wrong2
color 0e
title Britannio's maths quiz
echo ------------------
echo Question 3
echo ------------------
echo what is 99 add 81
echo 1)180
echo 2)175
echo 3)169
set /p input=answer
if %input% == 1 goto correct3
if %input% == 2 goto wrong3
if %input% == 3 goto wrong3
goto question3
color a
echo Your answer is correct!
echo 1) Go to the next screen
echo 2) Go to menu
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == 1 goto bye
if %input% == 2 goto menu
goto correct3
color c
title wrong answer
echo Your answer was wrong!
echo 1) Repeat question
echo 2) Go to menu
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == 1 goto question3
if %input% == 2 goto menu
goto wrong3
title thanks
color 0e
echo i hope you enjoyed my quiz
echo would you like to 
echo a) see my credits or
echo b) exit
set /p input=COMMAND?
if %input% == a goto credits
if %input% == b goto exit
goto bye
title credits
echo                                 produced by notepad quizzes
echo                                 directed by notepad quizzes
echo                          everything is made by notepad quizzes okay
echo bye bye
echo copyright (c) all rights reserved 
pause >nul
echo beware!!!
pause >nul

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