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Switch statement to find days in month

Switch statement to find days in month

In this tutorial we will learn how you can create a java program using switch which help you find , number of days with just 3-3 clicks.yeah sound weired but its true.

Let get begin with coding part

Before we start writing code ,we first understand the theory of program, don't worry i will not bore you much.

So in this program we have two variable ,one for storing the month and second one two store the days in a month.we have no need to declare ,12 variables for  12 different months .As we are using switch statement i will tell you how you can do it in know time.

After that we put message on screen for user ,so that upon reading that user will add the month in digits,hmm in digit we will not use name ,let make it simple for both user and ofcourse you and me.

We will store that in variable month and using switch statement after words and applying logic in it.logic that you will see in program below. Let jump there and see what i have for you.

Q) write a java program to find number of days in a month using switch statement.

So l)

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in= new Scanner(System.in);
int month;
int days;
System.out.printf("Enter month in digits : ");
month = in.nextInt();
case  4:
case  6:
case  9:
case 11:
case  1:
case  3:
case  5:
case  7:
case  8:
case 10:
case 12:
case 2:
System.out.printf("this month don't exist\n");
System.out.printf("Number of days " +month +" is " + days); }

So as you clear with the coding part ,how we use one variable for all 12 month .how you like it tell us in comment for sure and if you know any other way then then let us know ,ok

Now its time for seeing how our program will display to users as we are making it for them only ,its easy amd simple for user .


Enter month in digits : 3
Number of days 3 is 31

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