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Evolution of Computer Systems

Evolution of Computer Systems 

Computing began at the mechanical level, added an information level (software), then a human level and finally a community level; it is an example of general system evolution. ... As computing evolves to higher system levels, so its design also changes, from technical to socio-technical design.


Computer indeed a human one of the top invention that drastically change the world, we talk of the computer system we have now in our office, home, college, schools these are far far more different from what it was then when the evolution was at its initial stage.

If I tell you the fact it hardly have a screen for view, sounds funny right how it will look like without screen. Wait for the end you will encounter various more interesting and funny facts about the computer system.

Let's start the journey of evolution !!

Evolution of computer 

History of computer start with the scientific revolution (1543- 1678) yeah in many books revolution is was counted with the invention of first calculation machine in around 1930s .

1930 year was marked the beginning of calculating machines, which were considered the first programmable computers. But again before that in 1930, calculating machine invented by great Blaise Pascal in 1642 and that of Goffried Liebnits planted the seed of machine for industry use.

One thing to remember 1937 was the year for starting of different generation of computer.

First Generation of Computer (1937 – 1946)
And other generation we catch this later.
Learn more:-

So where were we , right just after the scientific revolution (1543- 1678)  a great change come into play 1760- 1830 was very important period french revolution take place and with this we got our first weaving loom (a machine used in textile industry) you must read/ study about it in your history books. This was invented by Joseph Jacquard.

Wilhelm Schickard and gave the first working mechanical calculator .  And after that this whole things continue like a fire various machine made by scienetist and created their name in history.

In 1623 Wilhelm Schickard and gave the first working mechanical calculator .

And after that this whole things continue like a fire various machine made by scienetist and created their name in history.

Those great people our mentioned below

Gottfried Leibniz demonstrated the world a  digital mechanical calculator also called by name "Stepped  Reckoner" .  Gottfried  Leibniz was  world first computer scientist and information theorist, for, among other reasons, documenting the binary number system.

1673: Gottfried Leibniz demonstrated the world a  digital mechanical calculator also called by name "Stepped  Reckoner" .  Gottfried  Leibniz
was  world first computer scientist and information theorist, for, among other reasons, documenting the binary number system.

France, Joseph Marie Jacquard invents  a loom that uses punched wooden cards.

1801:  France, Joseph Marie Jacquard invents  a loom that uses punched wooden cards.

Thomas de Colmar was a French inventor who design and manufacture the first commercially successful mechanical calculator, the Arithmometer.

1820: Thomas de Colmar was a French inventor who design and manufacture the first commercially successful mechanical calculator, the Arithmometer.

Charles Babbage we know him as Father of Computer ,a   English mathematician creates of a steam-driven calculating machine that is capable of computing tables. Babbage originated the concept of a digital programmable computer.

1822: Charles Babbage we know him as Father of Computer ,a   English mathematician creates of a steam-driven calculating machine that is capable of computing tables. Babbage originated the concept of a digital programmable computer.

Ada Lovelace was know for its  writing, she writes an algorithm to compute the Bernoulli numbers also known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine

1843: Ada Lovelace was know for its  writing, she writes an algorithm to compute the Bernoulli numbers also known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine

Herman Hollerith marks the beginning of the era of semiautomatic data processing systems ,also know as with name punching machine and also established company which now famous with name IBM .

1885Herman Hollerith marks the beginning of the era of semiautomatic data processing systems ,also know as with name punching machine and also established company which now famous with name IBM .

Alan Turing a creator of universal machine, later called the Turing machine, capable of computing anything that is computable. The central concept of the modern computer was based on his ideas , because of his work world war 2  short by up to two years. He’s credited with saving millions of lives.

1936: Alan Turing a creator of universal machine, later called the Turing machine, capable of computing anything that is computable. The central concept of the modern computer was based on his ideas , because of his work world war 2  short by up to two years. He’s credited with saving millions of lives. 

You can watch movie based on his life name as "Engima" .

J.V.  Atanasoff, a  professor  of physics  and  mathematics credited with inventing the first electronic digital computer

1937 J.V.  Atanasoff, a  professor  of physics  and  mathematics credited with inventing the first electronic digital computer

After 1937 there start a new era ,new generation of computer begins  computer devlop so fast and become such a success that now we cannot think our life without computer system , with time its size also varies a lot now everyone have small computer system in our hand yeah your phone i am talking about.

Lets now continue studying of different generation of computer.

Click on the link below

Different generation of computer system:-

First generation of Computer (1937 – 1959)

Second Generation of Computer (1959 - 1965) 

Third Generation of Computer (1965-1971)

Fourth Generation of Computer (PC 1971 – Current)

Fifth Generation of Computers (Present and Beyond)  

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