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Functional block of computer system - Bigfootcode

Functional block of computer system

In this tutorial we will see amd learn about the various Functional block of computer system in details , here we discussed how all of them work together in order to achieve its goal. 

These working together with no contradiction leads us the better performance.

Major parts of computer system

Basically  functional block of computer system contains four major parts which are as follow :-

  • CPU
  • Memory or storage unit
  • Input- output subsystems 
  • Control unit.

This four unit are further divided into to different sections for parts

Before starting each part in detail let's look at a block diagram of computer system for better understanding.

Block diagram of computer system

Block diagram of computer system
Block diagram of computer system

Now, let take one by one each part and give a close look to them.

  • CPU (Control Processing Unit)
  • Memory or storage unit
  • Input- output subsystems 
  • Control unit

CPU(Control Processing Unit)

Q)What is CPU?

Just like human computer also have a brain which is like brain to computer system it  its help computer system to perform different operation, and its is also called as central processing unit or CPU in short. It help computer system so that it can understand and accordingly process our input or user input.

CPU is further divided into two parts.
Block diagram of central processing unit (CPU)

Q) What are the different part of control processing Unit (CPU) ?

In CPU there our different parts who performed different task generate output

The different part of central processing unit (CPU) contains :-

  • Control unit (CU)
  • Arithematic and logistics unit (ALU)
  • Memory unit 

So less first discuss about CU or control unit first in some detail.

Control unit (CU)

What is control unit (CU) ?

The control unit is a major necessary unit of a computer system this component of a central processing Unit (CPU) plays an important role in working of computer system, without it the whole system is like a scratch or a dumb metal box . It give commands to other different parts and direct the operation of the processor. It assign work to other components for work and instructs the memory unit , Arithematic and logistics unit , and input-output devices.

Its basically send control signals and the timing stuf to other units.

Now lets see what all things CU is responsible for:-

Q) what our the functions of Control unit (CU) ?

  1. Decide the sequence of instruction to be executed.
  2. Its became a link between Arithematic logistics unit (ALU) and  main memory so that work can perform perfectly.
  3. It instruct the ALU to which operation is to be performed.
  4. Control unit and the control signals to data path and to memory.

Now next move to arithematic and logistics unit

Arithmetic and logistics unit(ALU)

Q) what is arithmetic and logistic unit (ALU) ?

Arithmetic and logistics unit is responsible for  arithematic and bitwise operation on integer binary operations.

Blocks diagram of Arithematic and logistics unit (ALU)

Sound new right and confusing too. So first elaborate this definition and see what its means.
Here Arithematic operation means basic calculation like addition, substraction, division and multiplication. These operations are performed on two numbers that we all know right , i hope its is clear.

So what is bitwise operation means , you aware of what is bit a smallest unit which can store 0 or 1 only single digit , any indication of a bit position is counted from the right and then advance to other left side, eg 0001 has zero in all place accept 1 at the last . Now see what bitwise operation means , as any operation on low level or machine level in terms of bits we call it as bitwise operation. This is faster as compare to normal operations of multiplication and division.

Like this integer we also have have float-point unit or in short FPU there is also  GPU stands for Graphic processing unit

This is basically combinational digital electronics circuit that perform this all work.

Note:- For better understanding read it twice or thrice line by line.

Q) What our the components if Arithematic and logistics unit or ALU ?

The components of ALU  are:-
  • Data
  • Opcode
  • Status
  • Arithmetic operations
And many more ....

We will discuss this about in details in later part of tutorial.

Now discuss next part of control processing unit (CPU) which is storage unit.

Storage unit or memory unit

Q)what is memory unit?

Storage  unit or memory unit have a work to store data that has to be processed.

And it is divided into two main parts:-

Its is broadly divided into two part:-

  • Primary memory
  • Secondary memory
Primary memory is that memory which is associated with processor, this memory is fast Memory that use while computing time, to access the address this store programs must be reside in memory so that one one signal by the control unit it can be used and executed accordingly. This use of memory and how it processed we learn this later after defining more technical terms, and in proper sequence for now its is all what is necessary to know about.

Secondary memory is that memory that store information for long time and use less frequent by the processor, like pendrive floppies are some of example.

Input- output subsystems

Input output subsystems contain two parts by the heading name it is easy to tell.

Yes it is ,

  • Input devices
  • Output devices

Input devices
Input devices are the devices that give instruction to the processor for the the work that has to be performed.

Example :- keyboard, mouse etc.

Output devices
Output devices are the devices that give output respective to the input, after computing the data and give output as a information.

Example:- printer, monitor etc.

Now give a quick short trip to how this all system work with block diagram.

See how this work we get an input by input devices and then it is processed by CPU and then output is provided to user by output devices. 
Let see one more block diagram that give you the clear idea of the computer system.

Block diagram of computer system

See in first step  input system give the input or data and that is stored in memory unit ,now control unit generates signal and give instructions to ALU about the computation has to be performed than ALU get registered , for computation . Register have data address of data that has to be compute . So it with help of that process data, registers basically provide data address. And then after it the data after processed into information is provide to user by the output unit.

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